Monday, November 3, 2008

Costume Confusion

So apparently I didn't do as good of a job on Ethan's costume as I thought I had. Well, it might have been mine and Eric's lack of Halloween spirit that caused the confusion. Let me explain.
Last Saturday was our ward's Halloween carnival and Eric, being the second counselor in the bishopric, felt he needed to participate in the costume contest (with a little prodding from me :). So we dressed up as Mario and Luigi and made Ethan a "goomba," a little mushroom looking creature from the Super Mario Bros game. Our costumes were easy and turned out great, and everyone was able to tell what we were. But then on Halloween, after dressing up once we didn't feel like going to the same effort again to trick or treat, and only had Ethan in his costume. So he got confused for a mad brown M&M. I stopped correcting people after the 5th or 6th question about it.

But nonetheless here's Ethan as a "goomba":

Here's what a goomba looks like on the game:
Mine and Eric's hats:

Oh well there's always next year!


Kristen Moss said...

I think you did an excellent job. wait to be!!!

The Curtis Family said...

Yeah, I wouldn't have gotten goomba. Not because he didn't look EXACTLY like one, but because I'm so out of touch that I only kind of know what Super Mario Bros is.

Whatever he was, he was sure cute ;).

Last night I was putting the twins to bed and I said "lay down babies." and Case responded "I not a baby. Baby Eefan a baby." They still miss him!

E said...

ok, so it totally looks awesome! now that i know what he was... =) i was one of those who thought he was mad brown m&m. but it looks exactly like a goomba! great job!!

Lidia and Steve said...

that was an awesome costume!

Derick and Becky said...

I saw the picture and knew exactly what it was! Good job!