Since he's a little more mobile these days, Ethan has been cracking us up with the things he's doing. He's not crawling or walking yet, but I'm surprised to see how far he can move without that. I was in the kitchen the other day so I brought him in there to play while I cooked, and he got over to the fridge to play with the magnets. I also (stupidly) gave him a bag of goldfish crackers which were promptly spread across a three foot radius around him. But he had fun trying to grab them before I could clean them all up.Ethan's occupational therapist brought this large pacifier looking thing- in place of the rubber top there is a little mesh bag you can put things in so they can suck on them but not choke. He didn't like it for the first little while, but then Eric tried putting a popsicle into it and he'd get mad if we tried to take it away- even after it was all gone!
He found one of his sippy cups while rolling around in the living room, and was trying to drink it lying down, without turning onto his back. This doesn't convey it very well, but it was hilarious to watch him trying to get a sip :)
April Extras
2 years ago
Those things are great. Try them with peaches, pears, frozen fruit. All kinds of stuff. My kids loved 'em.
It is so funny when they try to do that with their sippy cups! I hate it when Andrew finds an old cup under the couch or something and you wonder how long it was there and what has been sitting inside of it! YUCK! Your boy is sure cute!
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