Monday, March 23, 2009

That was too easy!

Ethan will be 2 in a month and we decided (or rather Eric mandated :) that we try to wean him of pacifiers. Since he was about 14 months we've only let him have them for naps and at night, but he always asks for them and he'll freak out if he throws them out of his crib and can't reach them. Since we'll have a baby who needs them more than he does in a few weeks, I agreed to try and get him to give them up. I made Eric put him to bed the first night (I was too chicken), and he just sat him down and told him that the paci's were all gone and he wasn't going to get them anymore. He substituted it for a stuffed animal that he can sleep with, and then laid him down and walked out. Get ready for screams-- or so I thought. Nope, wrong again, he cried for maybe a minute and a half and then was silent and went right to sleep! And he's been fine without it eversince! Sometimes he'll still ask for them and we just have to remind him that they are all gone and he's fine. I should have known, he's been really easy at every sort of change we've made- from nursing to formula, not being swaddled, no more bottles - I just have to be convinced to try it once and he's over the change pretty quick. I think we've been pretty lucky to have such an easy going kid. Next step- toddler bed! I'd like to get him changed over from crib to bed before the new baby gets here. If anyone knows where I can get a good deal on one in Rexburg, let me know!


Anonymous said...

Bulletin board or craigslist. Way to go Ethan with letting go of the pacifier!

The Curtis Family said...

I think some of the things we think our kiddos aren't ready for are mostly because WE'RE not ready for them! (ie Case and potty training).

Here's how I got rid of the twins' binkies -- note we went a month longer than you did, so you're doing better than I!

Settler's Bay Relief Society said...

I'll second what Katie said. I always put off the whole binky thing because I wasn't ready.
Be ready, when the baby gets here, for him to all of a sudden want his bunky back. That's when my kids had the hardest time.

Megan said...

For the toddler bed, Kmart has layaway! then you only pay a little at a time instead of all at once! They may even go on sale!

K. Bitton said...

I would recommend just getting a mattress and putting in on the floor. then if he falls off it's not that big of a drop. then when he is better at it getting a bed. Way to go getting him off the bink! I am way impressed with how well he took it! You are lucky! :) Hope you are feel good!